Services > Coordination & Management > Emergency Management
A vital component of business operations is the successful implementation of a comprehensive Emergency Management program. This includes conducting a thorough workplace risk analysis and threat assessment and implementing effective Emergency Management principles to ensure the continuity of business operations. Ultimately, reducing the likelihood of disruptions and minimizing the impact on day-to-day operations.
From custom-designed Emergency Response Plans (ERP) to Employee ERP classroom and scenario-based training. Our highly-experienced Emergency Management Team can provide customized services including:
Design and development of comprehensive workplace Emergency Response Policies and effective Emergency Response Plans (ERP), emergency reporting criteria and employee training and testing.
As an integral part of Workplace Violence training, Active Shooter and Hostile Intruder training involves site-specific instruction for all staff on how to effectively respond and deal with a crisis situation.
Risk management strategies to address mission-critical workplace functions, including operational procedures, emergency back-up and incident review.
Site-specific emergency communication plans, including internal and external notification, mutual aid agreements and strategic corporate CRISIS communication plans.
An essential part of Emergency Response Planning is having an organized Media Relations Policy and effective MR Plan. Ensuring all staff know their duties and responsibilities during a major incident or event.
Critical incident management is a fundamental component to effectively dealing with an emergency situation. This includes post-incident de-briefings, employee wellness and cause-analysis investigations.
Key to a safe and healthy workplace, Employers must have an effective, organized and strategic CISM plan. TOTAL Safety Management's comprehensive Health and Safety services include 24/7 emergency Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) call-out and Critical Incident Debriefing (CID) support services for Employees.
Customized health & safety services tailored to meet your needs. Site-specific services including; inspections, audits, risk and threat analysis, security management and emergency response planning.
A safe and efficient workplace achieved by minimizing risk exposure and liability through accurate hazard assessment, effective policies and innovative program design and development.
Qualified instruction that includes program development, performance measurement, evaluation and tracking. Ultimately, empowering your staff with the knowledge and confidence to make the right decision.
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